New eBook from FFW: How to Prepare for GDPR

New eBook from FFW: How to Prepare for GDPR

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AfTassos Koutlas
februar 07, 2018
Header for GDPR ebook

Is your organization prepared to comply with the EU's new General Data Protection Regulation? If you're worried about preparing for GDPR, or not sure where to begin, download the new eBook from FFW, How to Prepare for GDPR.

GDPR lays out very specific guidelines for the acquisition, management, and use of data that is either tied to any resident of the EU, or collected by a company that operates in the EU. Noncompliance with this new law can mean large fines. When you download the eBook from FFW, you'll gain a strong understanding of the new law and what it means for the way your organization collects, stores, and uses data.

To prepare for GDPR, you must understand which data you create, where and how you process and store it, and how your organization can support users’ rights with your systems. This eBook will help you through the process, and will lay out concrete steps for your organization to take in preparation for GDPR.

If you want help with any step of complying with the new regulations on your website, contact FFW. We have teams ready to help you evaluate your current data collections practices and ensure you abide by the law.