How to Optimize Your Drupal Site with Structured Content

How to Optimize Your Drupal Site with Structured Content

Header of webinar How to Optimize Your Drupal Site with Structured Content

With the advent of real-time marketing technologies, web pages are no longer just “pages” – they are collections of modular, dynamic data that can be rearranged according to the context of the user.

Structured content is one of the foundations of real-time personalization. To provide optimized user experiences, marketers and publishers need to enrich websites with additional structure (taxonomy and metadata). By adding metadata, content becomes machine-understandable. This webinar describes how proper content structuring leads to better interoperability, SEO, and accessibility, and how enriched content helps personalization engines provide more relevant content to your individual users.

In this recorded structured content webinar you'll learn:

  • How to further enrich your Drupal website with structure
  • Taxonomy best practices for dynamic content
  • How to configure auto-tagging in your Drupal site
  • How to leverage Microdata and the vocabulary to improve SEO
  • How to improve the social shareability of your content through the use of Twitter Cards and OpenGraph tags
  • Why Drupal 8 is the best CMS platform for managing structured content

For additional information or to learn how FFW can help you with your own Drupal projects, please contact us.