Drupal Summer Camp Recap
Summer is great for family camping and it is a great time for Drupal Camps. We're pleased to have sponsored or volunteered at four recent camps in our area: Drupal Camp NYC 11, Drupaldelphia, NYC Camp and Capital Camp. Before the end of the year we'll participate in another half dozen.
Summer is great for family camping and it is a great time for Drupal Camps. We're pleased to have sponsored or volunteered at four recent camps in our area: Drupal Camp NYC 11, Drupaldelphia, NYC Camp and Capital Camp. Before the end of the year we'll participate in another half dozen.
Why do FFW and so many individuals and businesses in the Drupal community spend so much time camping? If you are a new professional services company camps are a great way to get your name out or recruit new employees. But established shops like FFW participate in camps mostly as a way of keeping Drupal - both the software and the community - healthy. Every well organized and well attended camp helps to spread the word across a range of different users and consumers.
Many of these newcomers will eventually become important members of the community. Most will in one way or another become a part of what has come to be referred to as the Drupal ecosystem - consumers, content creators, site builders, site owners, business analysts, information architects, developers, themers, designers, technical specialists - the list goes on and on and the more people vested in making Drupal a success the more successful Drupal will continue to be.
So if you've never been to a Drupal Camp you'll want to start shopping around for one near you or near your favorite destination. Camps are coming up in August at Yale, Dallas in September, Atlanta in October, Austin in November, San Francisco in November, New York in December, San Diego in January, our own New Jersey Camp in February and probably a few others I've missed. And that's just state-side.
You don't even have to wait for an upcoming camp to benefit from the camp community - many camp websites will post slides and videos of presentations.
FFW is proud to encourage Drupal learning everywhere. In addition to sponsoring camps and conferences we offer affordable Drupal training on a regular basis in our training space in NYC. Visit ourEvent page for more information.