Last Chance for the First EVER DrupalCamp NJ!
The town of Princeton, New Jersey, home of the prestigious Princeton University, won’t know what hit them when New Jersey kicks off its first ever Drupalcamp on February 4. Thanks to a $500 grant from the Drupal Association, the town will be buzzing with hundreds of Drupal fanatics and beginners alike, attending a full days worth of Drupal sessions on four different tracks, ranging from beginner to advanced.
The town of Princeton, New Jersey, home of the prestigious Princeton University, won’t know what hit them when New Jersey kicks off its first ever Drupalcamp on February 4. Thanks to a $500 grant from the Drupal Association, the town will be buzzing with hundreds of Drupal fanatics and beginners alike, attending a full days worth of Drupal sessions on four different tracks, ranging from beginner to advanced.
As one of the early organizers and sponsors of Drupalcamp NJ, everyone at FFW is excited to see all of our hard work transform into a camp that is sure to put New Jersey on the Drupal radar. Our very own Ray Saltini will give the first double-session on the beginner-focused “Welcome to the Drupalverse” track: Hello Drupal, a hands-on training session that will jumpstart your Drupal comprehension. One of Acquia’s introductory training programs, Hello Drupal is the perfect intro to Drupal for newbies and will lay the foundation for the the rest of the afternoon of Drupal sessions.
For those of you more experienced Drupalers, here’s a rundown of the rest of the sessions on the four different tracks:
For the newbies.. Welcome to the Drupalverse
- Dreaming In Drupal: How to Think Like a Developer to Build Without Code: Learn how you can leverage the Drupal community to build a website without having to write your own custom modules.
- The Power of Views: An in-depth introduction to the Views module, arguably one of the most powerful modules on the Drupal platform.
- Planning an Enterprise Drupal CMS at Princeton University: Learn how Princeton University’s Office of Information Technology decided that Drupal was the right fit for the university.
Learn where Drupal is heading... Mobile, Responsive Design, and UX
- Client-side Content Inclusion and the URL Renaissance: Learn what you can do with the Drupal AJAX API to speed up page loads and how Drupal will need to adapt to become a content delivery platform rather than a page delivery platform.
- Omega + Delta + Context = Theming for the Rest of Us: An introduction to the responsive, mobile-first, HTML5 Omega base theme for novice to intermediate site builders who have little to no PHP experience.
- User Experience Studies: Putting Drupal to the Test: Learn how the Drupal community has begun to embrace UX testing over the past few years, the results we can see from these efforts in Drupal 7, and where it’s going in the future.
- Conducting Usability Studies on Your Own: Learn what to test, whom to test, how many participants to test and how to find them, how to conduct the study and how to analyze the results.
- Location Based Apps - No Coding Required: Learn how to turn your Drupal site into a publishing platform for any number of mobile apps.
A little something for everyone...Anything Goes
- Drupal and Node.js: Learn how some smart Drupalers are integrating node.js into Drupal with the Nodejs module, allowing for un-interrupted performance that allows for massive numbers of connected clients.
- Drush, Drush, Drush, Drush, Everybody Loves Drush!: Learn the many uses and benefits of using Drush.
- Menuing Strategies: Explore community contributed modules that give site builders added functionality and flexibility to create custom menus in Drupal.
- Calendaring with Drupal: Learn the features and functionalities of the Calendar and Fullcalendar modules and how to choose which one is best for your project.
- Drupal 8 and HTML 5: HTML 5 is coming. Learn how Drupal is keeping up.
Making Drupal faster, more powerful...Unleashing Drupal
- Let’s Be Upfront About Performance: Learn about the current issues Drupal developers face with regard to front-end performance and various ways to solve these problems.
- Integrating InDesign and InDesign Server with Drupal: Learn how organizations can instance content within Drupal to an InDesign template using InDesign server.
- Drupal 7 Higher Education Case Study: Learn about some of Drupal 7’s new functionality and how it was applied to build an admissions portal for a large Canadian University.
- Project Whispering: Running Multiple Concurrent Projects: Explore the issues and techniques involved in successfully managing multiple projects at once.
- Data Visualization and Resouce Sharing in Drupal: Learn from U.S. Department of Education’s Tech Solutions Advisor about how Drupal is being used for data visualization and resource sharing.
So what are you waiting for? There are only a few tickets left, so get yours today!