LSD Good for Enterprise Organizations
The music was blaring at Acquia's 'Customer Love' party at Drupalcon Denver when I first learned about LSD.
Wait. What?
The music was blaring at Acquia's 'Customer Love' party at Drupalcon Denver when I first learned about LSD.
Wait. What?
Large Scale Drupal (LSD) is a community project organized by the Acquia Office of the CTO. It was announced officially by Dries and has been active on gdo since late last year. As chrisstrahl explained to me that evening, LSD is a forum where enterpirse Drupal users can come together to discuss common needs and challenges and set about collectively to develop the best solutions and share them with the larger community of Drupal users. Content Staging and Digital Asset Management are just two of the topics currently being considered as priority areas.
If you've got experience in the enterprise sector, tune in to gdo. More robust, relevant solutions will encourage more mainstream enterprises to turn on to Drupal and that will help our entire ecosystem to continue to thrive.
Ray Saltini, FFW Drupal Evangelist