Building, Collaborating and Scaling Drupal Distributions for Federated Organizations

Building, Collaborating and Scaling Drupal Distributions for Federated Organizations

Header of webinar "Drupal Distributions for Federated Organizations"

The promise of open source technology has always been the ability to collaborate, customize and scale.

For federated organizations that need to increase their standards, Drupal distributions have a unique value. They allow teams to build and bundle Drupal functionalities to create sites that share specialized needs.

In this recorded webinar, we discuss our work with one of the largest federated non-profit organizations in the world, the YMCA. We focus specifically on a community driven initiative, Open Y - a Drupal distribution custom built for YMCAs everywhere.

In this recorded webinar with Acquia, some specific topics we covered include:

  • Leveraging open source software to foster sharing and collaboration.
  • Developing a communication strategy focused on key benefits of Drupal and open source, such as cost and speed of innovation.
  • Creating a sustainable model in a federated organization from small to large YMCAs.

For additional information or to learn how FFW can help your organization, please contact us.